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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

Social Responsibility for Public Relations in Industrial Institutions: Case Study

Vol-7,Issue-2,March - April 2022

Author: Hani Ahmed Yonis

Keywords: Social responsibility, public relations, Industrial Institutions, analytical methods and results.

Abstract: The study has dealt with the concept of social responsibility and public relations with workers in industrial enterprises and its role in the direction of the consumer and society (employees, consumers, environment, society). Also, identifying the ordered sequence of the study elements. The researcher used individual interviews and the descriptive analytical method in his study in order to reach the most accurate results for the elements of the study, which is that the reality of social responsibility for public relations, the trend of factory workers, happened On the average arithmetic weight (60.1%), and the reality of social responsibility for relationships. The general consumer trend (66.5%), as for the social responsibility of public relations towards the community environment, it got an arithmetic average weight (37%), and finally the social responsibility component of public relations got the community orientation, an arithmetic percentage weight (21.75%). By looking at the final result of all the weights of the paragraphs, it was found that the factory (Abu Ghraib) exercises the tasks of social responsibility towards (workers, consumers, environment, society) with a percentage weight of (46.33). The researcher came up with a number of recommendations and suggestions for the study.

Article Info: Received: 07 Jan 2022; Received in revised form: 20 Feb 2022; Accepted: 28 Feb 2022; Available online: 07 Mar 2022

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.72.1

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