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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

Desolation and Displacement in Ayi Kwei Armah’s Why Are We So Blest?

Vol-5,Issue-5,September - October 2020

Author: S Geetha Nirmal

Keywords: Desolation, Displacement, Alienation, Trauma, Colonialism.

Abstract: Armah is an austere writer who criticizes the evils in the society. Most of the works are related to the sufferings of the Ghanaians after their independence. As seen in all the nations which were the colonies of the Britishers, Ghana too experienced the trauma which made the country too loose its identity and also made the natives to alter their style of living. This as the background Armah created his characters who felt alienated, desolated and also displaced in other nation and also in their own native land. Through the characters of Modin and Solo Armah gives out the sufferings and also the struggle to overcome the sufferings in the society which lost its values and made the characters to be totally inappropriate in the situation. This paper tries to elucidate the pain and pathos of the characters who were suffering because of desolation and displacement.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.55.62

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