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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

Unraveling Madness: Linguistic Complexities in ‘Waiting for the Barbarian’ and ‘The Secret History’

Vol-8,Issue-5,September - October 2023

Author: Shayan Aqdas, Zunaira Aslam, Ayyaz Ahmed

Keywords: Power, identity, manipulation, isolation

Abstract: The research paper is a qualitative study of the multifaceted role of language as a potent tool of power and its connection to the theme of madness within the novels "Waiting for the Barbarians" by Coetzee and "The Secret History" by Tartt. Within the world of fiction, language emerges as a dynamic force, enabling creators to craft narratives that draw upon intricate emotions and characterizations. Close textual reading and analysis serve as the primary instruments for data collection, and this research contextualizes itself within the broader landscape of literary analysis, postcolonial studies, and discourse analysis, and unveils the dynamic ways in which language becomes a tool for wielding power, from economic and political dominance to coercive control. Ultimately, the paper underscores the impact of language on societal power structures, and its role in constructing and dismantling narratives, offering a compelling lens through which to examine the theme of madness in these literary works.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.85.28

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