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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

The Tragic perspective in Hamlet's character during the play-scene

Vol-4,Issue-6,November - December 2019

Author: Malik Hashim Hassan

Keywords: Hamlet's character, play-scene.

Abstract: The researcher explains the tragic of the play represented with Hamlet's father death. The most familiar image of the play is the young prince contemplating how he will revenge., the overriding theme being how people react to death. Though every version has the basic central story of Hamlet’s revenge for his father’s murder, each inevitably presents a more or less subtly different narrative, some omitting whole scenes and even major story threads. All this helps to explain why the play—and its central character—have been subject to an exceptionally wide range of interpretation. The researcher in this paper, will concentrate on one of the tragic situation for the protagonist of the play that father's murder by his mother and uncle.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.46.33

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