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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

The Principal’s Leadership in Developing Quality of Education

Vol-5,Issue-3,May - June 2020

Author: Abdul Muin, Murtadho, Haris Supratno

Keywords: Quality, improvement, institute of education.

Abstract: Quality problems have attracted attention from organizations in the world. Initially, Quality-improvement start from manufacturing company which spread to the other aspects of service such as banking, insurance, health, government, and education. Evaluation for Quality-improvement is a trend for products and services research. Institute of education must increase its quality which is proven by producing high-quality graduates. This research was conducted in Senior High School 1 Pamekasan and Senior High School 3 Pamekasan. This research has focused on leadership style of the principal to improve the education quality, the strategy of principal to improve the education quality and quality of education which is produced by leadership style and strategy of principal both in Senior High school 1 Pamekasan and Senior High school 3 Pamekasan. This study is quantitative research which studies case and multi-site design. The object of this research is the leadership style and strategy of the principal to increase their school quality. The data was collected by interview, observation, and documentation. Validation data was gotten by source, technical and time triangulation. The Multi-site design was analyzed by individual site and cross-site data. The results of this study showed that the first, the leadership style applied appropriately with the principal principle of necessity is in accordance with the potential resources and increases the capability of principal with an effective leadership style. The second, Implementation of the Integrated Quality Management strategy was used to increase education quality by improving the overall education system by involving the elements of school. The principal has a good relationship with the internal and external school. The third, quality of education produced in the school creates school culture which productive and good quality and builds a mental organization.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.53.17

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