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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

The presence of critical thinking in the altiplano Peruvian

Vol-3,Issue-2,March - April 2018

Author: Vicente Alanoca Arocutipa

Keywords: critical, emancipation, thinking, Peru,Altiplano.

Abstract: The development of critical thinking in the context of the social sciences, has its bases in Europe, today it is known as critical theory, is an important reference, not only for Europe but for the social sciences in the world. In that act came from Latin America some intellectuals who are now leaders in the development of critical thinking. Therefore the goal is visible from the daily life of the plateau critical thinking, where the academy has decontextualized and disconnected from reality but the Quechua and Aymara people in the historical process known face and embody the great social problems facing peoples, despite limitations and stigmatization they have developed daring thoughts of hope against the social and environmental collapse, which some would call it common thoughts. Faced with these ways of dealing with the crisis, conservative thought, has not yet been cataloged or give a nomenclature from sociology, anthropology, education, philosophy, political science, economics, etc., because their roots, theoretical and methodological are anchored in Europe, North America and Asia, which confirm and universities legitimizing these recipes. This does not mean rejecting Western European knowledge but is to debate how is that even other forms of thought and action are recreated from the Andes. Despite adversity it must be retaken for the decolonization of knowledge and bet on respect for human dignity.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.3.2.27

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