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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

The Future of the Literary Text in the Posthuman Condition

Vol-7,Issue-3,May - June 2022

Author: Dr. Samita Mishra

Keywords: Posthuman, Enlightenment, Autonomous dialectical materialism, Prosthetic, Cyborg, Cybernetics, Informatics, Information Technology, Social media.

Abstract: Posthuman” does not mean after human or beyond human. It is only a reconfiguration of what it means to be human in the rapidly changing technological scenario. Though the Enlightenment concept of the human as autonomous, as a rational creature who by the use of the faculty of reason, can give any shape to the self as s/he wishes, has been discredited by Darwin’s theory of evolution, Marx’s dialectical materialism, and Freud’s psychoanalysis, yet the biological and the technological world had not infringed upon the human, thereby reducing all claims of autonomy to sarcasm, as they do in the present era. The posthuman denotes, Cary Wolfe says, “the embodiment and embeddedness of the human being is not just its biological but also its technological world (Qtd Seldon etal 284). N. Katherine Haylesin How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodie in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics (1999) contends that normal human beings become post-human by using prosthetic body parts adopting computer technologies. Donna Haraway has indeed conceived of the humans as cyborgs who are part human and part machine, the machine being a prosthetic extension of the human. In this age of Information Technology and social media, a natural corollary of the posthuman condition is Digital Humanities: This essay explores how the post human condition and digital humanities impact the interactive composition and interpretation of the literary text.

Article Info: Received: 03 May 2022; Received in revised form: 26 May 2022; Accepted: 01 Jun 2022; Available online: 06 Jun 2022

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.73.11

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