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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

Political Identity: The Bargaining of Center Politic Party Spectrum on the Selection of Indonesian vice President in 2019 General Election (Literature Study: The Candidacy of Jokowi’s vice President Candidate)

Vol-5,Issue-1,January - February 2020

Author: Syaifuddin, Avi Cenna Isnaini

Keywords: political identity, branding, political party, general election.

Abstract: The focus of this article discusses the political identity that develops massively as one of the political instruments that had a significant influence on the vote acquisition in general elections. The main problem raised in this study is political identity which is transformed into a determinant factor which becomes a political bargaining in determining the vice presidental candidate who accompanies Joko Widodo. This paper aims to explain the process of strengthening political identity in Indonesia and finally led to the emergence of a vice-presidential candidate who accompanied Joko Widodo from non-party circles. The main theory used in this paper was the theory of identity politics taken from several literatures. The research method in this paper was a method of studying literature, using descriptive research, by a qualitative approach. The results of the literature study conducted by the author shows that the election of Kyai Ma'ruf Amin as a vice-presidential candidate to accompany Joko Widodo in the upcoming 2019 presidential election is to reduce the effectiveness and negative excesses of the sara issues inherent in Joko Widodo.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.51.15

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