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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

Developing Character Education-Based Drama Textbook to increase the Ability to Play Drama

Vol-2,Issue-6,November - December 2017

Author: Retno Winarni, Karsono, Muh. Ismail S

Keywords: character education, contextual learning, drama playing technique, research and development, textbook

Abstract: This research was aimed to develop a textbook of drama playing technique based on character education. Research and Development method developed by Borg and Gall was used in the study. It was conducted through 4 steps, namely: (1) preliminary stage, (2) model development stage, (3) model testing stage, and (4) dissemination stage. The research approach used in the exploration stage was qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection was done through documentation study, observation, interview, and questionnaire. Data analysis technique was done using interactive analysis model. Model testing was done by conducting experimental research. The results of this research were: (1) exploration stage showed that drama textbooks used in UNS Surakarta, UMS Sukoharjo, and UNISRI Surakarta were not in accordance to the students and lecturers’ need, (2) model development stage produced textbook of Drama Playing Technique based on character education through preliminary field testing; And (3) the effectiveness testing stage of the textbook (main field testing) showed the t obtained value was 8.85 which was then consulted with the value of t table (with N = 90, α = 0.05) of 1.67. Thus, t-obtained (8.85) > t-table (1.67), the hypothesis was accepted (Ho was rejected) and the research was significant. This means the textbook of Drama Playing Techniques based on character education was effective.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.24001/ijels.2.6.5

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