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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

Biblical Elements in the Poem, "Peace" by Gerard Manley Hopkins

Vol-5,Issue-3,May - June 2020

Author: Anil Jaydeo Ganvir

Keywords: Bible, criticism, Divine, Elements, Peace.

Abstract: The research paper aims to investigate the Biblical Elements in the poem" Peace", written by Gerard Manley Hopkins, a Great Victorian religious poet, on the eve of his departure for Bedford Leigh from Oxford- a curtal sonnet, the abruptness of which reflects a fatigued and distracted mind. The title 'Peace' that Hopkins assigned to the poem is due to the impact of Herbert's Poem, 'Affliction". To investigate Biblical references is one of the yielding delights of new interest in the aspect of Hopkinsian criticism. The thematic study of the poem indicates that there abound theological themes based on the Holy-Writ. The Bible is an embodiment of a notion of Divine Peace. The sonnet reflects the poet's prayer for Peace. The New Testament has the theme of Peace. Jesus came on this earth to grant Peace to the restless, which is the perfect Peace; on the other hand, Earthly peace springs from Patience does not dwell in a man without further condition. The Peace that God can grant; the practical aspects cannot give that Peace.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.53.14

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