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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

A Tug of War between God and Satan: The Interpretation of Adam and Eve’s Dreams in John Milton’s Paradise Lost

Vol-3,Issue-6,November - December 2018

Author: Szu-Han Wang

Keywords: Adam and Eve, Dream Interpretation, John Milton, Paradise Lost, The Tug of War

Abstract: The paper aims to explore how the opposing thrones between God and Satan spread out in dreams in John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Dreams regarded as fields for Satan to induce Eve make Satan temporarily win the battle; however, God turns the tables with little effort to subjugate Satan by appearing in Adam and Eve’s dreams. In Milton’s elaboration of Paradise Lost, God the father, the incarnation of morality represents supreme power in universe. Howbeit, Satan not only embraces the image of the representative of evilness but plays the embodiment of the root of human crime. Due to the hatred out of jealously, dissemination with malevolent rumor against God becomes Satan’s measure to persuade falling angels that they should possess equal status with God instead of being inferior to God. Furthermore, Satan incarnates himself as animals to induce Eve to rebel against doctrines and orders made by God. Impressively, images of evilness and goodness both appear in Eve and Adam’s dreams reflecting the tug of war between justice and injustice. Dreams symbolize the space of the universe containing positive and negative power. Disregarding the influence of biblical works and other relevant elements in accord with Milton’s imagination, the issue of the opposed thrones between God and Satan plays a pivotal role in enriching the epic.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.3.6.32

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