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ISSN: 2456-7620

Impact Factor: 5.96

Ethnicity Issues as a Political Mobilization Instrument of Cornelis MH in 2007 West Kalimantan Direct Elections

Vol-3,Issue-2,March - April 2018

Author: Khuswatun Hasanah

Keywords: Democration, Ethnicity, Mobilization, Elections.

Abstract: The New Order regime opened the opportunity for the community to participate in democratic activities. This is also felt by ethnic Dayaks who have experienced marginalization in the opportunity to take office in the region. Ethnic awareness driven by the desire of Dayak ethnic community due to termarginalisasi supported also by Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government. Dayak ethnicists are working hard to enter the government. One of them is through mass mobilization using ethnicity issue in Pilkada. In this research, the theory used is the theory of R. Paul Brass about ethnicity. The main argument is that marginalization will result in ethnic consciousness. Furthermore, ethnicity alone is not sufficient to explain the success of mobilization, thus requiring strong institutions to be more effective in the process of mobilizing with ethnicity as an instrument. The result of this research is true that in Dayak ethnic builds strong mobilization by mobilizing the established social organization as an amplifier of mobilization instrument in Election of West Kalimantan 2007.

ijeab doi crossrefDOI: 10.22161/ijels.3.2.23

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